The first interview produced some pretty interesting results. First,
we explored the participant’s definition of nostalgia— which senses
are involved, the feelings it generates, and how it differs from
memories. I tried to make the participant relive nostalgia during
the conversation, by triggering certain events or even scrolling
through Snapchat memories. The interview raised a bunch of new
questions about this emotion: To what extent is nostalgia related to
the real world? What causes this feeling? How can it be used as
therapy? Can we be nostalgic for situations we never experienced?
Design Probe #1: The Smelly Meditation
Exploring the consciousness of nostalgia, odors, and visuals. The
participant meditates for 10 minutes, then selects one of seven
scented samples and draws what she felt. The samples were made
from sponges infused with odors related to the participant’s life.
For example, soy sauce and garlic are key ingredients in adobo, a
dish she frequently ate in the Philippines, where she’s from. The
colors for drawing are limited to three distinctive and meaningful
ones: green, red, and yellow.
Design Probe #2: The Time Capsule
Exploring the notion of time, intended nostalgia, and the definition of nostalgia. The participant was tasked with capturing the present moment in a way that would evoke nostalgia in three years. A disposable camera was custom-made for her in her favorite noticeable color. A pocket was added on the back of the camera for her to write down things that couldn’t be captured by the camera.
Design Probe #3: The Black Pen
Exploring the idealization of a nostalgic moment. The participant goes through a series of pictures, each one evoking nostalgia, one by one. Then, using a black pen, she writes down what was wrong or imperfect about each moment. The pictures were selected by the participant herself prior to the experiment.
Design Probe #4: The Nostalgia Machine
Exploring the motivation and effect of nostalgia.When she feels the urge to open it, the participant opens an envelope containing a supposedly nostalgic picture. She is then guided through five layers of envelopes. At each step, the participant is questioned about her mood before seeing the picture, her true motivation, and the effect of experiencing nostalgia. The pictures were provided by a close friend of the participant.
Design Fiction video about an AI-self that calls you randonly. Watch it on
Why the Format of a Conversation
- It creates ephemeral moments, making each interaction unique.
- The interaction feels more human.
- Audio-only communication stimulates the imagination.